Problem 1

Define a predicate makelower/0 which reads in a line of characters from the
keyboard and outputs it again as a single line with any upper case letters converted
to lower case. (The ASCII values of the characters a, z, A and Z are 97, 122, 65 and
90, respectively.)

1.Make a notepad/txt file like the picture below, then save it in .pl format

Problem 1

2.Then consult it in prolog, then type "makelower. Input the letter to be lowercased , and the result will be like this.

Problem 2

Define a predicate copyterms which reads all the terms in a text file and
outputs them as terms to another text file one by one on separate lines.
The output file should be in a format suitable for use as the input file in a
subsequent call of copyterms. Thus for example if the input file contained

'first term'. 'second term'.
'third term'.
fourth. 'fifth term'.
The output file would contain
'first term'.
'second term'.
'third term'.
'fifth term'.

1. Make infile (save in .txt) and outfile (save in .pl) like in the picture.

2.Then consult .pl file then type copyterms('Infile.txt','Outfile.txt').

3. The result will be like this

Problem 3

Create a text file testa.txt containing two lines, each of five characters followed
by a new line, e.g.
Define a predicate readfile that will read fifteen characters from this file one by
one and output the ASCII value of each character. Use this to establish whether the Input and Output 83 representations of 'end of file' and 'end of record' for your version of Prolog are as suggested in Sections 5.9.1 and 5.9.2, respectively.

1.make a new prolog file (.pl) like in the picture

2.Then make one .txt file that contain character like in the picture

3.Then consult your prolog file then type readfile('testa.txt'). Then the result will be shown like this :

Problem 4

Using a text editor, create two text files in1.txt and in2.txt, each comprising a
number of terms terminated by end.Define and test a predicate combine that takes the names of two input files as its first two arguments and the name of an output file as its third argument. The output file should contain the terms in the first input file followed by the terms in the second, one per line and terminated by end.

1.make a prolog code like in the picture

2.then make 2 .txt that contain something we want to combine

3. Then consult the prolog file then type combine('In1.txt','In2.txt','Hasil.txt').

4.And the result will be made into hasil.txt

Summary For Chapter 5

built-in predicates that read from and write well for users
terminal (keyboard and screen) or a file, the second term by term and characterby --
characters in your own programs. ASCII value for manipulating character strings. Prolog has a facility to enable both input and output of the term or character. Using simple terms and will be explained first. Initially, it will be assumed that
all the output to the screen the user and all user input is the keyboard. Inputs and outputs use external files.

Output Terms

predicate takes one argument, which must be a valid Prolog term. Evaluate the causes predicate terms to be written to the output current
river, which by default is the user's screen. (The meaning of output current Logic Programming With Prolog

?- write(26),nl.
?- write('a string of characters'),nl.
a string of characters
?- write([a,b,c,d,[x,y,z]]),nl.
?- write(mypred(a,b,c)),nl.
?- write('Example of use of nl'),nl,nl,write('end of example'),nl.
Example of use of nl
end of example

Inputting Terms

Built-in predicate read is provided to include the term. It takes one argument, which must be variable. Evaluating the causes for the next term read from the input stream, which by default is the user's keyboard. (The meaning of the input current). In the input stream, the term must be followed by a dot ('.') and at least one space, such as spaces or new lines. Point and space characters are read in but not considered part of the term.

example :

?- read(X).
: jim.
X = jim
?- read(X).
: 26.
X = 26
?- read(X).
: mypred(a,b,c).
X = mypred(a,b,c)
?- read(Z).
: [a,b,mypred(p,q,r),[z,y,x]].
Z = [a,b,mypred(p,q,r),[z,y,x]]
?- read(Y).
: 'a string of characters'.
Y = 'a string of characters'

Input and Output Using a Character

Although the input and output of the conditions is very easy, use quotation marks and full stops can be complicated and not always appropriate. For example, would be tedious to determine the predicate (using read) that will read a series of characters from the keyboard and count the number of vowels. A better approach for such problems is to input a character at a time. To do this, first of all necessary
to know about the value of ASCII characters.

Outputting Character

Characters are output using the built-in predicate put/1. The predicate takes a
single argument, which must be a number from 0 to 255 or an expression that
evaluates to an integer in that range.

?- put(97),nl.
?- put(122),nl.
?- put(64),nl.

Inputting Characters

Two built-in predicates are provided to input a single character: get0/1 and get/1.
The get0 predicate takes a single argument, which must be a variable. Evaluating a
get0 goal causes a character to be read from the current input stream. The variable
is then unified with the ASCII value of this character.

Using Characters: Examples

The first example shows how to read in a series of characters from the keyboard
finishing with * and to output their corresponding ASCII values one per line (for
all characters excluding *).
The predicate readin is defined recursively. It causes a single character to be
input and variable X to be bound to its (numerical) ASCII value. The action taken
(the process(X) goal) depends on whether or not X has the value 42 signifying a *

character. If it has, the evaluation of the goal stops. If not, the value of X is output,
followed by a new line, followed by a further call to readin. This process goes on
indefinitely until a * character is read. (In the example below, the ASCII values of
characters P, r, o etc. are correctly shown to be 80, 114, 111 etc.)

Input and Output Using Files

Prolog takes all input from the current input stream and writes all output to the
current output stream. By default both of these are the stream named user,
denoting the user's terminal, i.e. keyboard for input and screen for output. The user may open and close input and output streams associated with any
number of named files but there can only be one current input stream and one
current output stream at any time. Note that no file can be open for both input and
output at the same time (except user) and that the user input and output streams
cannot be closed.

File Output: Changing the Current Output Stream

The current output stream can be changed using the tell/1 predicate. This takes a
single argument, which is an atom or variable representing a file name, e.g.
Evaluating a tell goal causes the named file to become the current output
stream. If the file is not already open, a file with the specified name is first created
(any existing file with the same name is deleted).
Note that the file corresponding to the previous current output stream remains
open when a new current output stream is selected. Only the current output stream
can be closed (using the told predicate described below).
The default current output stream is user, i.e. the user's terminal. This value can
be restored either by using the told predicate or by tell(user).
The built-in predicate told/0 takes no arguments. Evaluating a told goal causes
the current output file to be closed and the current output stream to be reset to user,
i.e. the user's terminal.
The built-in predicate telling/1 takes one argument, which must be a variable
and will normally be unbound. Evaluating a telling goal causes the variable to be
bound to the name of the current output stream.

File Input: Changing the Current Input Stream

The current input stream can be changed using the see/1 predicate. This takes a
single argument, which is an atom or variable representing a file name, e.g.
Evaluating a see goal causes the named file to become the current input stream.
If the file is not already open it is first opened (for read access only). If it is not
possible to open a file with the given name, an error will be generated.
The default current input stream is user, i.e. the user's terminal. This value can
be restored either by using the seen predicate or by see(user).
The built-in predicate seen/0 takes no arguments. Evaluating a see goal causes
the current input file to be closed and the current input stream to be reset to user,
i.e. the user's terminal.
The built-in predicate seeing/1 takes one argument, which must be a variable
and will normally be unbound. Evaluating a seeing goal causes the variable to be
bound to the name of the current input stream.

Reading from Files: End of File

If the end of file is encountered when evaluating the goal read(X), variable X will
be bound to the atom end_of_file.
If the end of file is encountered while evaluating the goal get(X) or get0(X),
variable X will be bound to a 'special' numerical value. As ASCII values must be in
the range 0 to 255 inclusive, this will typically be -1, but may vary from one
implementation of Prolog to another.

Harry's Idea

The reason I wanted to make a mattress body conditioning because people often feel hot and sweaty, especially in the back during sleep.
This is the same as regular mattresses , but have additional cooling in the bed and didn't remove the spring. This makes people feel comfortable going to sleep because the whole body exposed to the wind and sweating. This mattress can be adjusted to the temperature level of each person. So that the temperature will be stable and not be sick.


pada bab ini diperkenalkan notasi operator predikat dan menggambarkan operator
disediakan untuk mengevaluasi dan membandingkan nilai-nilai ekspresi aritmatika, untuk
pengujian untuk kesetaraan aritmatika baik ungkapan atau istilah-istilah dan untuk pengujian untuk
negasi dari tujuan atau pemisahan dari dua gol.

1. Operator

Binary predicate atau predikat dengan dua argumen dapat diubah menjadi bentuk infix operator. Contoh :
Standar : makan (kucing,tikus)
infix operator : kucing makan tikus

Unary predikat (predikat dengan satu argumen) dapat diubah menjadi bentuk prefix operator atau postfix operator. Contoh :
Standar : lucu (anjing)
prefix operator : lucu anjing
postfix operator: anjing lucu

2. Aritmatika
Dengan Prolog kita dapat melakukan penghitungan aritmatika.

a. Operator Aritmatika
X+Y (penjumlahan)
X-Y (pengurangan)
X*Y (perkalian)
X/Y (pembagian)
X//Y the ‘integer quotient’ of X and Y (the result is truncated to the nearest integer between it and zero)
X^Y (pangkat)
-X (negatif)
abs(X) (nilai absolut)
sin(X) (sinus)
cos(X) (cosinus)
max(X,Y)(nilai terbesar)
sqrt(X) (akar)

b. Pengutamaan Operator Dalam Ekspresi Aritmatika
Prolog menggunakan algoritma aljabar biasa dalam pengopersian aritmatika. Contohnya A+B*C-D. Di dalam ajabar C dan D dikalikan lebih dahulu lalu ditambah dengan A lalu dikurangi dengan D. DI prolog juga demikian. Untuk pengecualian, kita tinggal menggunakan kurung. Contoh : (A+B)*(C+D).

c. Operator Relasi
Operator seperti =, !=, >,>=, <, =<, dapat digunakan di Prolog.

3. Operator Pembanding

Berikut merupakan daftar dari equality operators yang digunakan dalam prolog beserta fungsi dari masing-masing operator.
Arithmetic Expression Equality =:=
Arithmetic Expression Inequality =\=
Terms Identical ==
Terms Not Identical \==
Terms Identical With Unification =
Non-Unification Between Two Terms \=

4. Operator Logika

a. Operator Not
Operator not dapat ditempatkan sebelum predikat untuk memberikan negasi. Predikat yang dinegasikan bernilai benar jika predikat yang asli salah dan bernilai salah jika predikat yang asli benar. Contoh penggunaan operator not :
?- not dog(fido).
?- dog(fred).
?- not dog(fred).
b. Operator Disjungsi
Operator disjungsi (;) digunakan sebagai operator ‘atau’. Contoh :
?- 6<3;7 is 5+2.
?- 6*6=:=36;10=8+3.

Hasil Practical Exercise 4

Operator and aritmatic

langkah 1 :
buat konfigurasi angka dengan memasukkan rumus rata-rata (X+Y/2), nilai kali, dan nilai terbesar.

langkah 2 :
ketik "number(angka,angka)."
untuk menjalankan prolog.